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Neighbourhood Wardens' Drop-In session

Our Neighbourhood Wardens held a Drop-In Session at Roundstone Caravan Park on the 14th August 2024, between 11AM and 1PM.

Other organisations, such as AGE UK, Southwater Welcome Club, Southwater Neighbourhood Watch and Southwater Parish Council have also sent representatives to help people connect. A couple of Southwater Parish Councillors have also attended to help provide support, and a space, where residents were able to raise any concerns, issues or ideas they may have regarding the village.

The residents of the area have all been previously informed about the event, and the team had a few visitors, who all shared their thoughts about things around Southwater. Thank you all for coming and we hope to see you more of you next time or at our other events.

These Drop-In Sessions happen regularly at various places within Southwater and are always a great opportunity for everyone to share their concerns, safety issues or for people who would like to connect with other residents and organisations, groups from the village. If you missed the last Drop-In session, but wish to contact the wardens, please click here.

Southwater Parish Council also holds a monthly councillor surgery at Beeson House, every first Saturday of the month, except August. The next one will be on the 7th of September from 10AM. Would you like to be informed about events and news about Southwater? Sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of our website, it only take a few seconds, and you will amongst the first ones to get informed!


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