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Annual Parish Meeting - 7th May 2024

Open invite to all Southwater community groups and residents to the Annual Parish Meeting:

The meeting is held once a year and is an opportunity for residents to hear from local organisations, and community groups about their activities over the past year.

Please note, it is not a council meeting, but for the benefit of the community.

The meeting is usually chaired by the Parish Council Chairman.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide a platform for the residents to express their views and hear about the work of local organizations.

Residents are welcome to attend but must contact SPC by 4pm on 6th May 2024, if they wish to speak.

To view the Annual Parish Meeting Agenda, please visit our website here: Annual Parish Meeting 2024| Southwater Parish Council ( or view the agenda via the noticeboard outside Beeson House.

If you have any questions, please email us at:

Date: 7th May 2023

Location: Lardner Hall, The Ghyll, Southwater

Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm We look forward to seeing you there!

Mustard and black coloured poster to display the details of the Annual Parish Meeting 2024.


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