Allotments are provided to enable residents of Southwater to have access to space where they can grow produce for their own consumption, whilst enjoying the social aspects of allotment gardening in a green and healthy environment. The Council supports the use of environmentally friendly methods and promotes rain harvesting systems, such as water butts.

Location and Pricing
Easteds Allotments, Easteds Lane, Southwater
Number of allotments at Easteds Allotments as 68 plots.
Current price per allotment of £20.00 per annum for 2022-23 and 2023-24.
Allotments Price - £25.00 per annum for 2024-25 and 2025-26.
A further £18.00 p/a is payable to Easteds Allotment Association to cover water, maintenance, member to member insurance etc. These costs are subject to annual review.
Should you be interested in renting an allotment please contact to add your name to the waiting list and for further information.