Southwater Village Hall Annual General Meeting
SVH is a local charity run by volunteer trustees for the benefit of the local community. The AGM is an excellent opportunity for residents to give their views about how the Village Hall is run and how its facilities can be further improved.
When? Monday 15thth April 2024 at 7.30pm
To be held at Southwater Village Hall
All residents are invited to attend

1. Opening of Meeting
2. Apologies for absence
3. Confirmation of the minutes of the last AGM held on 17th April 2023
4. Any matters arising from the minutes of the last AGM held on 17th April 2023
5. Presentation of the Annual Report
6. Adoption of Annual Report
7. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report
8. Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report
9. Appointment of Elected Trustees
10. Appointment of Independent Examiner for 2024 Accounts
11. Opportunity for members of the public to raise questions and for any general discussion
12. Any other business
Ilanit Slowly
Secretary – Southwater Village Hall Management Committee
email tel. no.: 01403 732543