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Proposal: Tarmac Footpath between Nutham lane and Cripplegate lane Bus stop

Are you a user of the bus stop at the top of

Cripplegate Lane/Cedar Drive?

Whether you use the bus stop or not… Would you be in favour of improving access to the bus stop?

We have received residents’ concerns that they find access to the bus stop difficult, mainly because there is no clear access route from Nutham Lane and neighbouring areas to the bus stop in question, meaning you must walk on the grass verge (see photos), which is not practical in the winter, or cross the road into Cedar Drive twice to then cross it again at the top of Cripplegate Lane.

We are investigating improving the access to the bus stop by installing a tarmac path between Nutham Lane and Cripplegate Lane bus stop. With sufficient support from the community and residents in close proximity, this will enable us to progress drafting a Community Highways Scheme application to WSCC. The more support received the more it will improve the weight of the proposal in the assessment process.

Letters have been delivered to those Neighborhoods within the vicinity.

All residents are welcome to share there views via this google form (link below).


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