Planning Application Submitted for New All-Weather Football Pitch in Southwater
Southwater Ghyll CIO has submitted a planning application to Horsham District Council for the development of a 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (3G ATP) at The Ghyll on Pevensey Road, Southwater (planning reference: DC/24/1997).
The proposal includes the construction of:
A 3G artificial turf football pitch,
Fencing and floodlighting to support extended usage,
Hard and soft landscaping,
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS),
Additional infrastructure to support the facility.
The development going forward is subject to the planning application going through the normal planning process at the Local Planning Authority (Horsham District Council). Detailed plans, including CGI visuals and technical specifications, are available on the HDC's planning portal.
Subject to planning permission being granted, the project/development would be funded by Section 106 contributions/commuted sums which are held by Horsham District Council.
Members of the public are invited to review the application and submit their feedback via the portal. Comments can be made in support or objection to the proposal, contributing to the decision-making process.
To view the application or provide comments, visit Horsham District Council's planning portal and search for reference DC/24/1997.
