Flytipping of Green Waste
Updated: Sep 12, 2023
Recently within the village there have been reports of Illegal fly tipping of waste. Amongst this has been a large amount of green waste.
Despite being compostable, this is still illegal and will still amount to a criminal offence. This could result in a Criminal Prosecution.
Amongst this has been a large amount of green waste deposited on the "Red Route" near to Easteds Lane and the Allotments.
On this occasion the Council was alerted and due to the green waste being found to be a fire hazard it was removed. If it had ignited it could potentially spread over trees and houses. It further would have amassed a large amount of smoke which would result in closure of the A24. Subsequently, redirecting traffic through the village.
If you witness fly tipping please let the Neighbourhood Wardens or the Police know.