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British Coins


Grants are payments made by the Parish Council to an organisation for a specific purpose to enhance and promote the wellbeing of the local community, either generally or for a specific purpose; and which is not directly controlled or administered by the Parish Council.

Applying for Grants

Each application for a community grant will be considered on its own merit. For more details on grants and how to apply for them see the Grant Policy, Guidance notes for applications and the Grant Application form below.

Grant Policy 2023

Grant Policy 2023 Application Form

Grant applications are considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee in April and October and will need to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the meeting date at which the application will be considered.

For individuals or groups looking for financial assistance or other help that may not fit the criteria of the Grant Policy there is a Chairman Discretionary Fund in place. Please contact the Executive Officer with your request at:

Grants Made by Southwater Parish Council

Community Grants are made by the Parish Council to organisations in accordance with its Grant Policy, however, some grants are made by a separate agreement under exceptional circumstances as considered and ratified by the Council. For a full list of grants made by the Council see below:


Grants 2023-24

Grants 2022-23

Grants 2021-22

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