Upcoming Planning Applications to be Considered by HDC Planning Committee (North)
Residents of Southwater, please note that we have received confirmation via the Local Planning Authority that the following application numbers will be going to Horsham District Council's Planning Committee (North) for consideration on Tuesday, 4th April 2023:
Sony DADC UK Limited, Southwater Business Park, Worthing Road, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9YT
Demolition of existing warehouse buildings and redevelopment to provide employment units for a flexible range of employment uses (Use Classes E, B2 and/or B8) erection of ancillary offices, together with the provision of yard areas, parking, landscaping and associated works.
Roundstone Park, Worthing Road, Southwater, West Sussex
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 36 Retirement Living Apartments and 6 Retirement Cottages, including a Lodge Manager's office, communal facilities, a guest suite, parking and landscaping.
DC/21/2180 (related to DC/20/2564)
Woodfords, Shipley Road, Shipley, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9BQ
Outline application for the erection of up to 73 new dwellings (C3 use) and retention of existing farmhouse building, associated public open space, landscaping, drainage and highway infrastructure works, including vehicular access from Shipley Road, with all matters reserved except for access (re-consultation in relation to Water Neutrality Report).
As you may be aware, these planning applications and proposed developments are of a significant size and will directly impact Southwater where they are located within the Parish boundary or directly adjacent to the Southwater Parish boundary as with DC/21/2180. Hence, Southwater Parish Council will be making representation at the HDC Planning Committee (North) to provide statement in relation to the previous recommendations submitted to each planning application. For more information, please visit the Horsham District Council Planning Portal and search each Planning Application using the search function.
Note that Planning Application DC/22/2077 - RSPCA Headquarters, Oakhurst Business Park, Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9RS [Demolition of existing building and the erection of 3no buildings to provide flexible industrial and storage and distribution floorspace (Use Class B2/B8) and ancillary office floorspace, with associated hard and soft landscaping, car and cycle parking, supporting infrastructure and retention of existing attenuation pond] will not be considered at the HDC Planning Committee (North) on 4th April 2023 but Southwater Parish Council will be monitoring the progress of this application accordingly.